Sunday 18 March 2007

London Rage and Womb Spearing

The number one cause of my personal London Rage is men, it is usually men, carrying golf umbrellas. I seem to spend the majority of a rainy day avoiding a womb spearing. I don't know whether this fear originates from the stories I was told at school to stop me from running to the other side of the field to collect my javelin or whether the fear is real. Would I still have a womb, if indeed I have one, if I had not been so fearful of the golf umbrella? I almost believe that the umbrella carrying men are not real men, but aliens in disguise with the task of eradicating the human race. I suspect that they are doing fairly well but they won't eradicate me or alter child bearing ability.

Thought - why are golf umbrellas shaped like spears? Are there whales in the water features on golf courses?

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